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Atma Kriya Yoga is a full yogic and meditation system that helps us to realize and connect with our True Self - Unconditional Love.
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Paramahamsa Vishwananda
Awaken to your unique, loving relationship with the Divine.
Boost your immune system and enhance your physical vitality.
Raise your consciousness and burn one spiritual year of karma with every breath.
Transform negativity into positivity, allowing more Divine Light to shine through
Clear the way for a life of vibrance, purpose, and meaning.
Connect to the source of life within your own being!
All this while awakening Divine Qualities of love, peace, patience, wisdom, intuition, compassion, and more.
ATMA means - "soul" in Sanskrit
KRIYA is "action done with awareness"
YOGA means “Union”
Your soul is a spark of the Divine.
Atma Kriya Yoga helps us to fully realize this Divinity within.
Kriya is the awareness we bring to life itself.
With Atma Kriya, our awareness shifts from our limitation, to our unlimited nature as pure Love. .
Yoga is union with the Divine.
Through Atma Kriya Yoga, we attain the true goal of yoga - awareness of our soul’s loving relationship with the Divine in every moment.
Body and finger yoga aligns your body’s energy so you can reach your spiritual aim.
Elevating the vibration of your energy centers protects you from negativity and allows more divine light to shine through.
Concentration and focus helps you bring self-awareness into your daily actions so you can transcend the duality of human existence.
Five physical yogic postures support your meditation practice, boost your immune system and enhance your physical vitality.
Group chanting generates harmony and peace for yourself, others and your local environment.
This chakra meditation raises your consciousness, unites body and soul, and burns one spiritual year of karma with every breath.
Atma Kriya Yoga was given by Mahavatar Babaji, the father of all Kriya Yoga lineages, to Paramahamsa Vishwananda, a fully Realized Kriya Yoga Master, as a gift to humanity.
When you learn Atma Kriya Yoga, you are given an initiation called Shaktipat, meaning ‘descent of Grace’. Shaktipat infuses you, and your practice, with the Grace of the Mahavatar Babaji.
Whenever you practice Atma Kriya Yoga, the entire Kriya Lineage is with you, guiding you, blessing you and ensuring that your practice is successful.
We travel to your hotel, Air Bnb, or residence. We also offer remote education classes too.